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Speedcrypt offers advanced encryption algorithms to help you secure important files.


Speedcrypt offers advanced encryption algorithms to help you secure important files.

Speedcrypt is a free and Open Source software that uses advanced password derivation techniques and robust HASH functions. It employs well-known cryptography libraries such as Bouncy Castle to provide users with high security.

Multiple Encryption Algorithms
The software offers a range of secure encryption algorithms, including AES-GCM, AES RIJNDAEL, PGP, and AES (String Crypto 256 Bit Key) CHACHA20, XCHACHA20-POLY1305. You have the option to examine the source code to ensure that the implemented security features are accurate.

Quick Encryption
Speedcrypt allows you to encrypt files quickly and easily. The program's workflow is straightforward: select the data, generate a password, and secure the files. One of the useful features of Speedcrypt is its password generator, which can generate passwords that cannot be easily brute-forced. The app also generates a PIN for an extra layer of security. Details accompany all generated passwords, including the approximate time to crack them and their entropy score, which is valuable information for users.

The default configuration of Speedcrypt is sufficient for most users, but various customization options are available. Users can choose from three cryptographic engines: AESGCM, AESRIJNDAEL, and PGP. There are also four string encryption mechanisms to choose from, with CHACHA20 being the default option. Users can choose from three compression algorithms: BZip2, GZip, and Zip. Compression tests can be performed to determine which algorithm works best for their system.

Overall, Speedcrypt is a valuable tool for anyone looking to secure their files and folders. Although the interface may seem complex, it is easy to navigate once you work through its different functions.

Speedcrypt Features:

Six encryption engines are available to users: AES-GCM, AES RIJNDAEL, PGP, AES (String Crypto), CHACA20, and XCHACHA20-POLY1305.
A string named SALT is added to passwords used for encryption processes. This string is generated by the PRNG engines (pseudo-random number generators) supplied with Speedcrypt.
It has fourteen HASH Functions available. Some can be associated with the PBKDF2 algorithm (Password-Based Key Derivation Function).
Protected Mode: Anti Keylogger Shield. Speedcrypt can operate within a mode capable of thwarting attacks from currently known Keyloggers.
At the end of the encryption process, Speedcrypt eliminates the original file so that it can no longer be recovered.
Speedcrypt protects its users against Dictionary Attacks, Guessing Attacks or Brute Force attacks, Rainbow Table Attacks, and Memory Dumps.

Video: How to Add Encrypting File System (EFS) to the Right-Click Context Menu
