SpecPortable 1.32

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SpecPortable (Speccy) is an advanced portable system information tool from PortableApps that can tell you about your processor, the amount of memory, video card, hard drive and more.

SpecPortable (Speccy) is an advanced portable system information tool from PortableApps that can tell you about your processor, the amount of memory, video card, hard drive and more.

What's in your computer? If you're like most of us, you can probably name the processor (Intel or AMD, Celeron or Pentium), maybe how much RAM it has, and maybe how big the hard drive is.

When you go to a computer store and see all the bright shiny PCs laid out next to each other, most will have tags or stickers indicating the:

Processor brand and model
Hard drive size and speed
Amount of memory (RAM)
Graphics card
Operating system

Two or three years later, when it comes time to upgrade your computer, that tag or sticker may be long gone. Speccy was designed as a free electronic "what's inside" sticker for your PC.

Why do I need SpecPortable?

At first glance, it may seem like an application for system administrators and power users. It certainly is, but SpecPortable can also help normal users, in everyday computing life.

If you need to add more memory to your system, for example, you can check how many memory slots your computer has and what memory's already installed. Then you can go out and buy the right type of memory to add on or replace what you've already got.

If you're going to be selling your PC, you can use SpecPortable to quickly list out the components. Or, if you're buying a PC, you can use it to check that the computer has what the label says it has.

Also, it comes in handy for support. If you're on the phone with technical support and they want to know what video card you have installed, there's no need to hunt around Windows. SpecPortable has all the information on one easy-to-understand screen.
