SP SSD Toolbox 4.0.1 D1

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SP SSD Toolbox was developed for use with Silicon Power SSDs and Industrial Flash products and enables users to manage and maintain peak performance of their Silicon Power SSD(s) under modern Windows operating systems.

SP SSD Toolbox was developed for use with Silicon Power SSDs and Industrial Flash products and enables users to manage and maintain peak performance of their Silicon Power SSD(s) under modern Windows operating systems.

Additionally, it is an advanced and user-friendly software geared at making it easier than ever to maintain a healthy and efficient device. The useful features included with SP SSD Toolbox are: Drive Information, S.M.A.R.T. Status, Wear Out Count, Block Information, Diagnostic Scan, Performance Test, and Secure Erase. All of which are outlined further below.

Drive Information
Displays device information including capacity, used space on device, device temperature, and Total Bytes Written.
S.M.A.R.T. Status
Device Health shows the current status of the selected device as measured by supported S.M.A.R.T attributes.
Wear Out Count
Wear out count can identify devices Total R/W, Erase count status.
Diagnostic Scan
This function performs an overall health evaluation of your device. Two options: Quick Diagnostics, which will run basic tests on free space of the selected device, and Full Diagnostics, which runs a reading test on all used space of the selected device.
Performance Test
Check both the sequential and random read/write speeds of your device.
Secure Erase
Secure Erase permanently deletes all data on the selected device.
Note: This function ay be unavailable for most SSDs

Everything You Need to Know About SSD Trim
How to Check If Your Hard Drive Is SSD or HDD
How to Restore Your SSD Performance by Secure Erasing It
How to Enable or Disable TRIM Support for SSD (Solid State Drives)
How to Disable or Enable SysMain (Superfetch)
How to Check Your Hard Disk Health Using WMIC
