Totem’s Sound is the story of the Norwegian explorer Johan Adrian Jacobsen. Enjoy a day of Johan’s journey, featuring great outdoor activities such as canoe races, collecting clams, not getting eaten by a giant grizzly and of course, fish oil binge drinking.
Totem’s Sound is the story of the Norwegian explorer Johan Adrian Jacobsen. Enjoy a day of Johan’s journey, featuring great outdoor activities such as canoe races, collecting clams, not getting eaten by a giant grizzly and of course, fish oil binge drinking.
Johan Adrian Jacobsen traveled along the northwestern coasts of the Americas from 1881 to 1883. Commissioned by a support committee, he purchased and cataloged an immense number of artifacts and objects from local tribes for the German Humboldt Foundation. Totem’s Sound is based on his accounts.
Well, almost.
Enjoy a day of Johan’s journey, featuring great outdoor activities such as canoe races, collecting clams, not getting eaten by a giant grizzly and of course, fish oil binge drinking. Get in contact with the local tribes, that are struggling to preserve their ways of life and their cultures in a rapidly changing world.
The game begins with the storyline which can be skipped by pressing ESC and selecting Back. The space bar allows you to interact with people. There's some pretty funny dialogue and goals to obtain. Be sure to check the options and save your game occasionally.
We enjoyed and played Totem’s Sound much more than expected.