SIW (System Info) 2025 15.1.0227c
SIW is a system information tool that gathers detailed information about your system properties and settings.
SIW includes detailed specs for CPU, Network, TCP/IP, Memory, Hardware, Users, Network Shares, and more, as well as real-time monitors for CPU, memory, and network traffic. SIW also displays currently active network connections, installed codecs, connected MS SQL and Oracle database servers (if any), and more. A standalone tool that does not require installation.
You can retrieve Product Keys for Windows, MS Office, and over 150 other software products.
How to Identify the Hardware in Your Computer
What Version of Windows 10 Do I Have?
How to Find Motherboard Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, and Version
How to Find the Serial Number of Your Windows PC?
How to Check What Graphic Card (GPU) Is in Your Computer
How to Check Your Memory (RAM) Speed, Available Slots and More
SIW (System Info) 2025 15.1.0227c
SIW is a system information tool that gathers detailed information about your system properties and settings.