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SimpleActivityLogger allows you to log events and usage taking place on a given machine which can be useful when multiple users have access.
SimpleActivityLogger allows you to log events and usage taking place on a given machine which can be useful when multiple users have access.

This tool isn't meant as a hidden spy tool but more of a transparent option to keep track of who is doing what on your machine. The scope of what can be logged also is narrow, again bolstering the fact that it is not a spy tool and it can't be hidden either. With SimpleActivityLogger you can log events like service start/stop, system shutdown, logon/logoff, lock/unlock, screensaver start/stop, monitor on/off and user switches. All the available items for logging are included in the settings.

SimpleActivityLogger features a minimalistic interface which is simple to use and configure to your needs. One thing that surprised us a tiny bit was, no hits on VirusTotal, which we thought would be a guarantee due to what SimpleActivityLogger does.
