Simple Port Forwarding 2.2.1

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Designed to make forwarding ports on your router as easy as a few clicks. 170+ routers currently supported.
Simple Port Forwarding works with WebPages and not directly with your router. Making it a safe program to use. Its no different than using Firefox, IE or any other browser to setup port forwarding your self.

The program works by automating the process for you. So whether you don't understand how to forward ports, or your simply looking for an easier way of doing things then this program is for you. With many built in tools port forwarding has never been simpler.

I have changed the way the program displays the router pictures. Normally the router pics are stored on the users system and are updated when you update the databases. But with so far 172 routers the update is 1.5 MB so as more routers get add the update file will grow rather large. So now the program will download the router picture from the website cutting down on the size of the updates dramatically. Even lowering the size of the program setup. After all why have so many pictures of routers on your system if you only use one? By removing the router pics from the updates the update size has gone from 1.5mb to 165kb.