SecureAPlus 5.3.1

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SecureAPlus provides a comprehensive protection for your system helping you to keep it safe from malware threats.

SecureAPlus provides comprehensive protection for your system helping you to keep it safe from malware threats.

Immediately after you have started SecureAPlus for the first time, it will perform an Initial Full System scan and whitelisting. Upon completion of this one-time process, subsequent Full System Scans with up to 10+ cloud antivirus engines will be fast.

SecureAPlus helps protect your machine from local and online threats, by regularly scanning your machine for threats. You have the option to choose how much system resources are to be utilized to support the background scanner. This ability allows the utility to optimize itself depending on the system on which it was installed.

SecureAPlus includes an application whitelist mode, allowing you to add any app to a list of trusted programs so they will run without any holdup. There is also an option to switch between interactive and lockdown modes allowing you to determine how secure you want your system to be.


Universal AV
-Use 10+ cloud antivirus engines for higher detection rates and low false positives

Application Whitelisting
-Prevent untrusted apps from running without permission

Offline Protection
-Optional local antivirus is included for offline protection

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