Secure Eraser 5.101

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Secure Eraser allows you to erase your sensitive or private data from documents and drives securely.

Secure Eraser allows you to erase your sensitive or private data from documents and drives securely.

This deletion utility is designed to make sure that the data you want t have deleted is gone forever by overwriting it so it can not be restored. Secure Eraser employs several different methods of proven data disposal and will overwrite your sensitive data so it can never be retrieved – even with specialized recovery software. O

Secure Eraser is easy-to-use and is presented from a very user-friendly UI that will be comfortable to use for any skill level. When using this utility, you will have the peace of mind knowing that your sensitive data has been overwritten up to 35 times. This process applies to files, folders, drives, the recycle bin or even traces of surfing the web. You additionally can delete files that have been previously deleted to make sure they are unrecoverable. You also can access Secure Eraser via the right-click context menu making it easy to deploy and utilize.

Secure Eraser overwrites using random data, as well as US Dod 5220.22-ME and U.S. DoD 5220.22-MECE standards from the US Department of Defense, the German industrial standard and the Peter Gutmann standard. All deletions are logged in detail. At the end of the deletion process, you are presented with a log that shows if the operation was successful as well as the method used. Keep in mind, the nature of this app may cause some virus detection software to alert.

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