ScreenTemperature 1.0.0

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ScreenTemperature is an application similar to f.lux with profiles and key bindings.

ScreenTemperature is an application similar to f.lux with profiles and key bindings.

ScreenTemperature is portable and starts in the System Tray. The interface is simple enough to use. You can choose multiple screens, Tanner Helland's algorithm or custom colors. A slider is available to dial in the exact temperature you want. You can save multiple profiles and even choose a key for each.

ScreenTemperature Features:

Instant color modification (no smooth transition)
Create and save multiple configurations
Simple interface
Multi-screen support and the possibility to change each screen individually
Custom color gradient

If you're a fan of f.lux but want multiple profiles and key bindings, then ScreenTemperature is worth a look.
