SB Live! Drivers v5.12.1.3507 Available!

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The latest SB Live! drivers v5.12.1.3507 WDM for Win9x/Me/2K and more interestingly Windows XP + LIVEWARE 3 complete are now available!!! It looks like it's a re-packaged Liveware 3 with the latest SB Live! drivers included (which will install on XP) only in previous versions of Liveware and SB Live! drivers, the included DEVLDR32.EXE has been known to make the system mightly unstable (at least on my system it did) leaving you with an XP that simply hangs on shutdown or crackles while playing MP3's or games that require "Direct Sound".

If you want them, go to the link below and browse to JEUDI 4 OCTOBRE posts to download this 70mb file. Download them Here: SBLive! drivers v5.12.1.3507 User commet at Neowin: My View Just thought to tell people about waiting for drivers from creative, DON'T!!!!! I have a dual booting system running Windows ME and 2000. My SBlive 5.1 works fine on both OSs from the drivers that came with the card. I would only upgrade them only if I have too. By the time Windows XP is out (Which I will be getting the Pro version) Microsoft will likely to include some working drivers for the card. But if something is wrong with those hopefully if Creative get their act together something more stable. Like I said "waiting for drivers from creative, DON'T!!!!! " Creative are very slow releasing anything and I'm still waiting for an update driver for my Geforce 2 GTS for Windows 2000 from them. The version on their site is version 6.31 and people, you know how old that one is!!! It also isn't very stable either!!!! Sent in By Louis Green