The Crucible is at it again. This time they fry up some x800 action and serve it up hot. They test Sapphire's x800 Pro with many of today's hottest games. They also have a little section where they put it head to head with the Nvidia 6800GT. Check it out here: Sapphire Radeon x800 Pro 256MB @ The Crucible
A short quote: "If you are looking for a great card to play any game you can throw at it, Sapphire's x800 Pro is a great choice. With a price that beats most other brands Sapphire offers great performance with it's x800 Pro. While there are faster cards available they also come with a much higher price tag. The price difference between the Pro and the XT is almost $200."
A short quote: "If you are looking for a great card to play any game you can throw at it, Sapphire's x800 Pro is a great choice. With a price that beats most other brands Sapphire offers great performance with it's x800 Pro. While there are faster cards available they also come with a much higher price tag. The price difference between the Pro and the XT is almost $200."