Ruby, Pcp, Expat, OpenSSL, Fence-Agents, Firefox, Thunderbird updates for AlmaLinux

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A new AlmaLinux update is available: Ruby, Pcp, Expat, OpenSSL, Fence-Agents, Firefox, Thunderbird updates for AlmaLinux

Ruby, Pcp, Expat, OpenSSL, Fence-Agents, Firefox, Thunderbird updates for AlmaLinux

AlmaLinux has been updated with a number of security patches, some of which are ruby:3.3, pcp, expat, openssl, fence-agents, pcp, firefox, and thunderbird: ALSA-2024:6785: ruby:3.3 security update (Moderate) ALSA-2024:6848: pcp security update (Important) ALSA-2024:6754: expat security update (Moderate) ALSA-2024:6783: openssl security update (Moderate) ALSA-2024:6726: fence-agents security update (Important) ALSA-2024:6837: pcp security update (Important) ALSA-2024:6681: firefox security update (Important) ALSA-2024:6683: thunderbird security update (Important)

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