Royal RSS Reader 1.58

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Royal RSS Reader allows you to read posts on RSS feeds and will check them on startup and, if you like, periodically for new posts on RSS 0.91/0.92/1.0/2.0/Atom feeds.
Royal RSS Reader allows you to read posts on RSS feeds and will check them on startup and, if you like, periodically for new posts on RSS 0.91/0.92/1.0/2.0/Atom feeds. Simply drag-drop the RSS/XML icon from any site to this application, the post will be added automatically. Alternatively you can enter a URL or local file into the edit box and press 'add url'. If you minimize the application, the application creates a small icon near the clock. When a new post arrives, an small window will appear and shows you the title of the new post. Royal is freeware. However, if you enjoy using Royal and would like to help support its development, please consider making a donation.