Ron's Data Cleanser 2020.09.10.1716

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Ron's Data Cleanser is a free utility that permits you to automize the cleaning of data files as well as source jobs.

Ron's Data Cleanser is a free utility that permits you to automize the cleaning of data files as well as source jobs.

Ron's Data Cleanser is designed to update and clean a data source (for example, CSV files) through the use of Cleaners, making the process more efficient. Cleaners are made up of a list of operations that can be built, saved, and applied to a data source as required. The preview window makes the comparison of the original data with the processed data very clear. Ron's Data Cleanser also includes a batch processing capability. This allows 100's of data files to be processed in seconds, making cleaning a whole directory fast and efficient.

Using Ron's Data Cleanser to create operating rules (the Cleaner) is simple - define the source, format, and output (the Job), combine and run.

Ron's Data Cleanser Features:

Jobs: set up of data sources, formats and destinations
Jobs files can be stored with the data (if the data is in a directory), or separately if needed, and run at the click of a button or from the command line.
Cleaners: set up of cleaning rules to process data
One or more Cleaners can be created, named, saved and re-used with multiple Jobs as often as needed.
Rules: the list of operations to perform on the data
Numerous columns, rows, and cell operations are combined easily within the cleaner. See List of Rules below.
Loads data from multiple available sources
See Source and Destination Information below.
Outputs to multiple formats
Source and destination formats can be configured for simple file conversion. See Source and Destination Information below.
Quick Job
An alternative window for quickly setting up a cleaning Job. The Quick Job can even be saved as a full Job.
Preview Screen
Essential for building cleaning tasks. A clear comparison of the original data with the processed one.
Log files Output
Essential for finding errors on large files.
Full control over text format
Full-text encoding supported: Utf-7, Utf-8, Utf-16 and Utf-32 (both big-endian and little-endian), with automatic detection.

List of Cleaning rules
The (growing) list of available data operations in Rons Data Cleanser is shown in the table below.

Column Processors
Update Column(s)
Copy Columns
Move Columns
Delete Columns
Merge Columns
Split Columns
Row Processor
Add Row
Delete Row
Cell Processors
Add Text
Add Random Text
Pad Text
Remove Text
Replace Text
Reverse Text
Add Space
Remove Space
Add Numbers
Remove Numbers
Replace Numbers
Add Date Time
Replace Date Time
Change Case
Split Name
HTML Encode
HTML Extract
Fill Lookup
Lookup Replace

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