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RogueKiller is an anti-malware program written in C++ and able to detect and remove generic malwares and some advanced threats such as rootkits, rogues, worms.
MajorGeek says: We don't really need a review here. If you?re a tech, you know what this tool does and it's already in your toolbox. For the rest of you, Roguekiller is a popular, effective tool to remove some stubborn malware but be warned; you better know what you?re doing. While a lot of more well-known tools will simply scan and delete for you, this tool will show you everything it finds that is a possible problem. You need to know what to remove and what not to remove. In the second screenshot below you will see where it found 7 potential PUP's on a clean install of Windows 7. If someone told you to download this and you?re not a knowledgeable computer tech, run. Run as fast as you can and get a new ?friend?. A program like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware would serve you better. I?m not knocking RogueKiller, it's excellent; in the right hands. If you don't believe me, simply read the comments below.RogueKiller is an anti-malware program written in C++ and able to detect and remove generic malwares and some advanced threats such as rootkits, rogues, worms...Based on generic ways to find malwares by their behaviour (heuristics), on classic anti-malware analysis (signature finding) and on undocumented hacks, RogueKiller can find/remove most of the basic malwares (rogues, trojans, ?) and some advanced threats like ZeroAccess or TDSS that behave more like rootkits.Here's a little summary of what RogueKiller is able to do: Kill malicious processes Stop malicious services Unload malicious DLLs from processes Find/Kill malicious hidden processes Find and remove malicious autostart entries, including :1: Registry keys (RUN/RUNONCE, ?)2: Tasks Scheduler (1.0/2.0)3: Startup folders Find and remove registry hijacks, including :1: Shell / Load entries2: Extension association hijacks3: DLL hijacks4: Many, many others ? Read / Fix DNS Hijacks (DNS Fix button) Read / Fix Proxy Hijacks (Proxy Fix button) Read / Fix Hosts Hijacks (Hosts Fix button) Restore shortcuts / files hidden by rogues of type ?Fake HDD? Read / Fix malicious Master Boot Record (MBR), even hidden behind rootkit List / Fix SSDT ? Shadow SSDT ? IRP Hooks (Even with inline hooks) Find and restore system files patched / faked by a rootkit