RIOT Plugin 0.6.1

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RIOT plugin can be used to provide an image saving method for your applications especially when this feature would be a nice extra and you prefer to use a third party component for that rather than program it from scratch.
RIOT plugin can be used to provide an image saving method for your applications especially when this feature would be a nice extra, and you prefer to use a third party component for that rather than program it from scratch.

Even if RIOT is available as a plug-in for other programs like IrfanView or GIMP, RIOT itself can be extended with plug-ins to enhance its functionality.

The Radical Image Optimization Tool (RIOT for short) was developed to be a free image optimizer that will let you adjust compression parameters visually while keeping minimum filesize.

Possible uses of the RIOT plugin:

an image viewer that wants to add the Save for web feature or compress to size
a graphic editing program or a photo editor that wants to add the Save for web feature or compress to size
a computer program that is not mainly intended to process images but lets user export the results as images
a web application might need Compress to size to limit the filesize of uploaded images. An interface to use the DLL in a web application is needed for this.
