RekSFV is a freeware, portable app that checks folders and files with sfv, md5, sha1, sha256, and sha512 recursively.

RekSFV is a freeware, portable app that checks folders and files with sfv, md5, sha1, sha256, and sha512 recursively.
Use File, Select, or drop folders directly to the interface and RekSFV will check all found file types display the results while checking one directory after another. The output will be in tabs including progress, checksum & hash history, bad & missing files, and settings.
RekSFV could be useful when scanning multiple folders or a complete hard disk to get an overview of a good/bad or incomplete folder(s) - or to be sure that file integrity is still given. RekSFV supports the creation of checksum files as well.
Currently available in 6 languages: English, German, Swedish, Chinese, Russian and Polish.
RekSFV has many settings worth checking into before you begin. You can additionally add RekSFV to your Context Menu. The interface is a simple white, black and gray and the drag-and-drop makes it easy to use.
