REAL3D Renderer 1.3.4

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REAL3D Renderer is designed for the creation of high-quality 3D visualizations, as well as processing, and editing of point cloud and triangular mesh.

REAL3D Renderer is designed for the creation of high-quality 3D visualizations, as well as processing, and editing of point cloud and triangular mesh.

You have access to numerous features for including triangulation, smoothing, cleaning, filtering, decimation, reconstruction, registration, merging, and hole filling, etc.) which will help processing point clouds and meshes produced by 3D digitization tools/device. REAL3D Renderer supports the import/export of over 60 different 3D geometry file formats that include PLY, STL, OBJ, OFF, 3DS, WRL, XYZ, AMC, and BVH. It also provides you with multiple additional features for implementing alpha blending with and without shaders. Vertex and fragment shaders can be written in execution or real-time time to produce the desired results.

REAL3D Renderer will address a common need when converting (scanned) pointclouds data into triangular meshes or when generating a geometry that has the same shape and features but with less or high triangles (or points). It does this by offering different algorithms that effectively decimate triangulated surfaces which have the ability to preserve texture mapping and geometrical detail. Or, if you want to increase the number of triangles (or points), Real3d Renderer will also provide different subdivision schemes.

REAL3D Renderer provides visualization features as well these include Decorators and Shaders for assisting in graphically presenting the peculiar characteristics of a 3D model. You also have a hole filling algorithm that will achieve near perfect watertight meshes. Additionally, you have access to various other algorithms for cleaning, refinement, smoothing, and the aligning of 3D pointclouds and meshes. Lastly, you can utilize the multiple options to measure the distance between two selected points, or angle between three selected points, as well as 3D coordinates for any point.
