ReactOS 0.4.15 released

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A new ReactOS update is available: ReactOS 0.4.15 released

ReactOS 0.4.15 released

A new version of the Windows-compatible ReactOS has been released. The new release encompasses enhancements to Plug and Play, audio, memory management, registry healing, accessories, system tools, and the shell. Victor Perevertkin has implemented substantial revisions to the Plug and Play Manager, facilitating ReactOS's compatibility with a greater number of third-party drivers and enhancing its ability to boot from USB devices. Johannes Anderwald has resolved an issue in which the USB driver would enter an infinite loop when a USB device failed to reach the ready state.Oleg Dubinskiy has implemented support for additional audio formats, enabled looped playback of wave files, increased sample rates, and incorporated multiple output channels. Jérôme Gardou has undertaken a refactoring of Section Objects to enhance compatibility with Windows, facilitating the import of the open-source Microsoft FAT filesystem driver from the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). George Bișoc has established essential mechanisms within the system registry, such as registry healing, flushing, and caching, to enhance system stability in the event of power outages or crashes.

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