Rambox is an Open Source messaging and emailing app that combines the most common web applications into one.

Rambox is an Open Source messaging and emailing app that combines the most common web applications into one.
Rambox has a nice clean interface allowing you to select messaging or email as the services you can use and add. Optionally, you can add a service that isn't currently listed or use search to find a supported app. At the time of this review, we counted 89 supported apps, a number we assume will get larger over time. Some of the more popular apps Rambox supports include Aim, Discord, Gmail, iCloud Mail, ICQ, Messenger, LinkedIn, Outlook, Outlook365, ProtonMail, SquirrelMail, Skype, Steam, TweetDeck, WeChat, Yahoo! Mail and Messenger, and Yandex.
Clicking on any icon starts a new tab with all of your selected apps. Each service adds an additional tab similar to how your web browser works. You can choose settings from aligning to right, mute, notifications, and more. You are also alerted when some options require setup inside the app itself. For example, to enable notifications in Discord, Rambox alerts you that you must set this up inside the Discord options as well. Brilliant.
If a service you want isn't listed, it's easy to add one. You can name it, and choose from numerous basic and advanced options. Preferences also allow universal settings for all your apps.
If you're one of those people who use multiple emails and messaging services, Rambox wraps all your messaging needs up into one neat package saving you time and making your technology-driven life simpler. We were pleasantly surprised at how simple Rambox was to set up and declutter all our email and messaging apps.
