Rainbow Six Siege closed beta preview

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LanOC Reviews published a review on the Rainbow Six Siege closed beta preview A quote from the article:
Only a few months have passed since Ubisoft announced at E3 that Terrorist Hunts would be returning in Rainbow Six Siege. Messages immediately blew up between our small gaming group. The three of us have been gaming together for a long time; at least a decade, if not more. When Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 released in 2008, we networked together a couple of Xbox 360s and played Terrorist Hunts endlessly. Eventually we migrated to the the PC and spent countless hours progressing our characters, unlocking weapons, and hunting terrorists all over again. Ubisoft would stop officially supporting online matchmaking, but it's still possible to play online (we had to try after hearing the announcement).
 Rainbow Six Siege closed beta preview @ LanOC Reviews