QuickViewer 1.1.3

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QuickViewer is an OpenGL graphic image viewer for browsing most image formats including raw files.

QuickViewer is an OpenGL graphic image viewer for browsing most image formats including raw files.

QuickViewer is Open Source and portable. It loads images in advance and displays them using OpenGL making it a very fast viewer. It shows the dimensions of the image currently being viewed and a slider bar to scroll through images in the status bar. It does not show the image size, however.

The top navigation has five tabs; File, Navigation, View, Shader, and Help.

The File tab is there to open images, history, or auto load last image.

The Navigation tab allows you to go forward or backward from picture to picture and a fast forward as well. You can also bookmark or load your bookmarks from here. Finally, you can also have it run all loaded images in a slideshow.

The View tab allows you to customize what menus you see, run it full screen, or even make sure QuickViewer is always on top. You can also scale up, scale down, rotate or fit your images.

The Shader tab has some settings that we had to look up. They include Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos, and Nearest Neighbor. These are a few ways to resampling or filtering the images you're viewing.

A lot of image viewers tend to get bloated over time, adding a lot of image processing tools you don't want or need if you just wanted a viewer. While QuickViewer does add a few of these tools, overall it's fast, free and makes for a simple way to browse all of your images.
