QuickDiag 4_19.04.18.1

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QuickDiag will quickly scan your machine resulting in a detailed report about all software and hardware components.

QuickDiag will quickly scan your machine resulting in a detailed report about all software and hardware components.

It is portable and presents itself in a simple UI that is extremely easy to work with.

QuickDiag is set up to allow you to initiate diagnostic scans on your computer covering a multitude of areas from the most basic info like administrator name, operating system, time zone, and processor type as well as more advanced data like codecs, CPU values, and network speed. After every scan, QuickDiag will provide a time-stamped TXT document for easy organization of the data generated.

QuickDiag offers three scan options to choose from:

Xspeed: a quick look at the system
Quick: a little more extended, enough in most cases to disinfect a machine
Extended: to have a complete report for detail-oriented perfectionists
