Quick Review: Super Talent USB 3.0 Express RAM Cache Flash Drive

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TweakTown posted a quick review on the Super Talent USB 3.0 Express RAM Cache Flash Drive A quote from the article:

If you already have USB 3.0 on your shiny new PC then it is time to start adding accessories that take advantage of USB 3.0's speed. There isn't a geek or layperson that I know who doesn't already have at least a small collection of thumb drives. They served their purpose well, but it is now time to start retiring all of those small, slow drives and step up to a single, large, fast USB 3.0 thumb drive.

The current generation of USB 3.0 onboard ports is capable of just over 200MB/s. This will increase as USB 3.0 becomes native to chipsets and eventually we will see the 10x USB 2.0 speeds we were promised. With USB 2.0 topping out at 35MB/s, 200MB/s is a large increase already. With speeds already at acceptable levels, the next question that comes in is price. Traditionally thumb drives are not all that expensive, unless you start getting into the mega sizes. The product we are looking at today, the Super Talent Express RAM Cache, is available for as low as 59 USD in a 16GB capacity. Our sample drive, the 32GB model, was found for as low as 119 USD and the mega sized 64GB drive tips the scales at 209 USD.

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