Proland W32/CleanKido Trojan Removal Tool 1.0

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Clean your PC from the W32/CleanKido Trojan (aka Conficker, Downadup).
Clean your PC from the W32/CleanKido Trojan (aka Conficker, Downadup).Symptoms include:It creates files autorun.inf and RECYCLED{SID}RANDOM_NAME.vmx on removable drives (sometimes on public network shares)It stores itself in the system as a DLL file with a random name, for example, c:windowssystem32zorizr.dllIt registers itself in system services with a random name, for example, knqdgsmIt tries to attack network computers via 445 or 139 TCP port, using MS Windows vulnerability MS08-067.It tries to access IP address websites to determine your IP.It may block access to anti-virus websites to defeat attempts at removal.