Product Key Scanner 1.02

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Product Key Scanner is a portable app designed to scan for product keys of Windows and other Microsoft products within the registry.

Product Key Scanner is a portable app designed to scan for product keys of Windows and other Microsoft products within the registry.

It will quickly scan the registry of your current running system, and it can also be used to scan the registry from an external hard drive plugged into your machine. When scanning the product keys of your current running system, you can search for product keys stored in BIOS and search product keys by using WMI. Once you have chosen your search options, click Ok to initiate the search.

After Product Key Scanner is finished running the scan, you can select items from the main window (or press Ctrl+A to select all) and export them to a CSV/tab-delimited/XML/HTML file via the Save Selected Items option. It also allows you to copy items to the clipboard (Ctrl+C) for use in other apps.

Retrieve Your Windows and Office Product Keys with These Free Apps
How-To Retrieve an Embedded Windows Key
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