PowerRun 1.5

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PowerRun enables you to open Cmd.exe, regedit.exe, and other software with enhanced privileges on par with TrustedInstaller.

PowerRun enables you to open Cmd.exe, regedit.exe, and other software with enhanced privileges on par with TrustedInstaller.

Even when you are running as an Administrator, there are instances that it is just not enough to get the job at hand completed. Like when a registry key or file is locked and unable to be edited. PowerRun is designed to overcome these issues allowing you to accomplish the task at hand. It is portable, so you can cart this power around for use any time an issue arises.

PowerRun supports drag n' drop making its use easy. But don't be fooled - working and altering anything in the registry has the potential to cause serious issues to your machine if improperly performed - proceed with caution.

How to Back up or Restore the Windows Registry
How to Automatically Back up the Registry on Windows 10
5 Ways to Open Registry Editor in Windows
How to Disable the Registry Editor (Regedit) in Windows
How to Add 'Open Command Window Here' Context Menu
The Ultimate List of Every Known Command Prompt and PowerShell Commands
What's the Difference Between PowerShell and PowerShell Core?
