Pipette 24.5.15

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Pipette lets you pick, identify, copy, and save colors from websites, images, etc., from a portable app.

Pipette 24.5.15

Pipette lets you pick, identify, copy, and save colors from websites, images, etc., from a portable app.

It is easy to use, giving you a decent amount of info about the targeted color, like RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSV, TColor, or XYZ. You can copy any of the compiled values to the clipboard and save them for use on another project.

Pipette is designed to automatically save the target color within its color list, allowing you access to them upon the next start-up. To use, Pipette, hit the button called... Pipette, this gives you a crosshair cursor. Once you click your chosen color, the values are propagated in their respective fields. There are some includes out links to other software from the author and also color charts.

Donations are accepted at the author's site.

How to Adjust Windows 10/11 Color Filters for the Color Blind

Pipette 24.5.15