PianoRollComposer is a MIDI Sequencer/simple DAW that you can use to compose, record, and play music.
PianoRollComposer is a MIDI Sequencer/simple DAW that you can use to compose, record, and play music.
The developer initially wrote it to compose music using orchestral instruments.
Notes are displayed in piano roll format; music looks the way it sounds. Notes from up to 16 different instruments can show together on the music staffs. (576 instruments/articulations, using 36 VST plugins or 36 instances of a VST plugin)
PianoRollComposer can send MIDI data to:
Windows, to play music using built-in instrument sounds.
SyFonOne (free), to play SoundFont instrument sounds.
VST plugins, which return instrument sounds for PianoRollComposer to play.
EastWest Player, Kontakt, or any software that plays its sounds and accepts MIDI input.