phpMyAdmin 2.5.2 Released

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phpMyAdmin is a web-based front-end to manage MySQL databases and has been adopted by a majority of Open-Source distributors and ISPs.

phpMyAdmin is OS independent, but requires a Web server, PHP and MySQL. It is mostly written in PHP. Changes since 2.5.2 RC2:

* lang/estonian update, thanks to
* tbl_properties_operations.php3: Do not display the "Referential integrity check" section for InnoDB tables as this was intended for pmadb relations
* (in lots of scripts): checks for paths disclosure
* lang/catalan update, thanks to Xavier Navarro (xavin).
* read_dump.php3: When PHP3 < 4.3.0 is detected, try an alternative way of rewriting bookmark variables.
* Documentation.html: Bookmark variable expansion only works with PHP 4.3.0 and above
* tbl_query_box.php3: For the querywindow - if no items are available for the 'file import' tab, hide the 'Go' button and instead display a warning message. Can happen if you don't have $cfg['UploadDir'] set and $is_upload is false.
* server_status.php3: the percentages of Query types did not add up to 100, because the number of connections is included in the total number of queries, thanks to jht001 ( Jams H Thompson )
* tbl_change.php3, libraries/common.lib.php3: Fixed a MySQL 4.1 bug that appeared when inserting values into ENUM or SET fields.
* tbl_query_box.php3: Removed onsubmit() attribute of the noscript area. Thanks to andreas_e ;)
* lang/galician: Updated, thanks to Xosé Calvo.
* libraries/export/sql.php3: bug 771575: wrong quotes for variable expansion
* libraries/functions.js: Bug #771794 (CHAR length check although field name is empty).
* bug 771523: wrong type displayed for a LONGTEXT with character set latin7
* db_details_structure.php3, tbl_properties_structure.php3: missing $err_url for mult_submits
* scripts/create-tables.sql: don't use backquotes in USE
* Documentation.html: Link to phpMyAdmin homepage for a 'link section'
* libraries/ SHOW BINLOG EVENTS.

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