PHP 8.4.0 Alpha 1 released

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A new software update is available: PHP 8.4.0 Alpha 1 released

PHP 8.4.0 Alpha 1 released

Saki Takamachi announced the first alpha version of PHP 8.4.0 for testing. PHP 8.4.0 Alpha 1 includes various enhancements to BCMath, Core, Curl, Date, DOM, FPM, FTP, GD, Gettext, Hash, IMAP, Intl, and IMAP. BCMath has been enhanced with the addition of bcfloor, bcceil, and bcround, while Core now includes zend_call_stack_get support for NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD, Solaris, and Haiku.The CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER constant has been deprecated, and the required libcurl version has been updated to 7.61.0. Zend's call stack size has been fixed for macOS/arm64, and FreeBSD now supports Zend Max Execution Timers. Closure names have been updated to include the parent function's name, and the randomness of uploaded file names and tempnam() files has been improved.

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