PHP 8.3.18 released

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A new software update is available: PHP 8.3.18 released

PHP 8.3.18 released

PHP 8.3.18 has been released, featuring a range of fixes and enhancements. The updates cover fixes for issues in BCMath, Core, DOM, FFI, FPM, GD, LDAP, LibXML, MBString, Opcache, PDO_SQLite, Phar, PHPDBG, Reflection, Standard, Streams, Windows, and Zlib. BCMath has resolved a memory leak issue, while Core has addressed a malfunction in stack overflow detection for variable compilation. GD has addressed a memory leak in mb_convert_variables, and Opcache has resolved a memory leak in phpdbg when invoking registered functions. Phar has resolved an issue with the PharFileInfo reference count, and PHPDBG has made partial progress in addressing a memory leak related to the phpdbg calling registered functions. Windows has addressed the phpize issue for Windows 11 (24H2), and Zlib has resolved a memory leak that occurs when encoding checks fail, in addition to supporting large files.

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