PHP 8.3.14 released
PHP-8.3.14 has been officially released, featuring a range of fixes and enhancements. The CLI has fixed bugs related to shebang, headers, and heap-use-after-free in SAPI_read_post_data processing. The COM has resolved out-of-bounds write issues concerning SafeArray data, while the Core has addressed bugs associated with Zend, zend_weakrefs, and inheritance errors. The DOM has addressed issues concerning DOMXPath, date_sunset, date_sun_info, DBA, FFI, filter, FPM, GD, GMP, LDAP, MBstring, MySQLnd, Opcache, OpenSSL, PDO DBLIB, Firebird, PDO ODBC, Phar, PHPDBG, Reflection, session, SOAP, sockets, SPL, among others.
PHP 8.3.14 released
A new software update is available: PHP 8.3.14 released