Die dritte Beta von PHP 7.0.0 steht zum Download bereit
PHP 7.0.0 enthält die neue Version der Zend Engine mit Funktionen wie (unvollständige Liste):
Verbesserte Performance: PHP 7 ist bis zu doppelt so schnell wie PHP-5.6
Konsistente 64-Bit-Unterstützung
Viele schwerwiegende Fehler sind jetzt Ausnahmen
Entfernung von alten und nicht unterstützte SAPIs und Erweiterungen
Die null zusammenfügende-Operator (?)
Vergleich der Operator kombiniert (< =>)
Rückgabetyp Erklärungen
Skalare Typdeklarationen
Anonyme Klassen
Eine Liste der Änderungen seit Beta 2 (in Englisch):
- Core:
. Fixed "finally" issues. (Nikita, Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #70098 (Real memory usage doesn't decrease). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #70159 (__CLASS__ is lost in closures). (Julien)
. Fixed bug #70156 (Segfault in zend_find_alias_name). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #70124 (null ptr deref / seg fault in ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION).
. Fixed bug #70117 (Unexpected return type error). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #70106 (Inheritance by anonymous class). (Bob)
. Fixed bug #69674 (SIGSEGV array.c:953). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #70164 (__COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ under namespace is not defined).
. Fixed bug #70108 (sometimes empty $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #70179 ($this refcount issue). (Bob)
. Fixed bug #69896 ('asm' operand has impossible constraints). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #70183 (null pointer deref (segfault) in zend_eval_const_expr).
(Hugh Davenport)
. Fixed bug #70182 (Segfault in ZEND_ASSIGN_DIV_SPEC_CV_UNUSED_HANDLER).
(Hugh Davenport)
. Fixed bug #69793 (Remotely triggerable stack exhaustion via recursive
method calls). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #69892 (Different arrays compare indentical due to integer key
truncation). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #70121 (unserialize() could lead to unexpected methods execution
/ NULL pointer deref). (Stas)
- Curl:
. Fixed bug #70163 (curl_setopt_array() type confusion). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #70158 (Building with static imap fails). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #69998 (curl multi leaking memory). (Pierrick)
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #70111 (Segfault when a function uses both an explicit return
type and an explicit cast). (Laruence)
- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #70014 (openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() is not cryptographically
secure). (Stas)
- Phar:
. Improved fix for bug #69441. (Anatol Belski)
. Fixed bug #70019 (Files extracted from archive may be placed outside of
destination directory). (Anatol Belski)
- Phpdbg:
. Fixed bug #70138 (Segfault when displaying memory leaks). (Bob)
. Fixed bug #70081 (SoapClient info leak / null pointer dereference via
multiple type confusions). (Stas)
- SPL:
. Fixed bug #70068 (Dangling pointer in the unserialization of ArrayObject
items). (sean.heelan)
. Fixed bug #70166 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize() with
SPLArrayObject). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
. Fixed bug #70168 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize() with
SplObjectStorage). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
. Fixed bug #70169 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize() with
SplDoublyLinkedList). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #70140 (str_ireplace/php_string_tolower - Arbitrary Code
. Implemented #70112 (Allow "dirname" to go up various times). (Remi)
Execution). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #36365 (scandir duplicates file name at every 65535th file). (cmb)
Der Quelltext kann hier heruntergeladen werden:
Die Windows Version gibt es unter folgenden Link:

Verbesserte Performance: PHP 7 ist bis zu doppelt so schnell wie PHP-5.6
Konsistente 64-Bit-Unterstützung
Viele schwerwiegende Fehler sind jetzt Ausnahmen
Entfernung von alten und nicht unterstützte SAPIs und Erweiterungen
Die null zusammenfügende-Operator (?)
Vergleich der Operator kombiniert (< =>)
Rückgabetyp Erklärungen
Skalare Typdeklarationen
Anonyme Klassen
Eine Liste der Änderungen seit Beta 2 (in Englisch):
- Core:
. Fixed "finally" issues. (Nikita, Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #70098 (Real memory usage doesn't decrease). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #70159 (__CLASS__ is lost in closures). (Julien)
. Fixed bug #70156 (Segfault in zend_find_alias_name). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #70124 (null ptr deref / seg fault in ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION).
. Fixed bug #70117 (Unexpected return type error). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #70106 (Inheritance by anonymous class). (Bob)
. Fixed bug #69674 (SIGSEGV array.c:953). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #70164 (__COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ under namespace is not defined).
. Fixed bug #70108 (sometimes empty $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #70179 ($this refcount issue). (Bob)
. Fixed bug #69896 ('asm' operand has impossible constraints). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #70183 (null pointer deref (segfault) in zend_eval_const_expr).
(Hugh Davenport)
. Fixed bug #70182 (Segfault in ZEND_ASSIGN_DIV_SPEC_CV_UNUSED_HANDLER).
(Hugh Davenport)
. Fixed bug #69793 (Remotely triggerable stack exhaustion via recursive
method calls). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #69892 (Different arrays compare indentical due to integer key
truncation). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #70121 (unserialize() could lead to unexpected methods execution
/ NULL pointer deref). (Stas)
- Curl:
. Fixed bug #70163 (curl_setopt_array() type confusion). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #70158 (Building with static imap fails). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #69998 (curl multi leaking memory). (Pierrick)
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #70111 (Segfault when a function uses both an explicit return
type and an explicit cast). (Laruence)
- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #70014 (openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() is not cryptographically
secure). (Stas)
- Phar:
. Improved fix for bug #69441. (Anatol Belski)
. Fixed bug #70019 (Files extracted from archive may be placed outside of
destination directory). (Anatol Belski)
- Phpdbg:
. Fixed bug #70138 (Segfault when displaying memory leaks). (Bob)
. Fixed bug #70081 (SoapClient info leak / null pointer dereference via
multiple type confusions). (Stas)
- SPL:
. Fixed bug #70068 (Dangling pointer in the unserialization of ArrayObject
items). (sean.heelan)
. Fixed bug #70166 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize() with
SPLArrayObject). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
. Fixed bug #70168 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize() with
SplObjectStorage). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
. Fixed bug #70169 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize() with
SplDoublyLinkedList). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #70140 (str_ireplace/php_string_tolower - Arbitrary Code
. Implemented #70112 (Allow "dirname" to go up various times). (Remi)
Execution). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #36365 (scandir duplicates file name at every 65535th file). (cmb)
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Die Windows Version gibt es unter folgenden Link: