Persoft Toolbox 8.5.2018

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Persoft Toolbox is a collection of command-line utilities including sleep settings, browser defaults, converters and more.

Persoft Toolbox is a collection of command-line utilities including sleep settings, browser defaults, converters and more.

Utilities included:

SleepRun - start any executable file with an arbitrary delay.
DefaultBrowser - set any (portable) browser as the default.
NoSleep.exe - prevents the shutdown of external harddisks (USB), with icon and operation in the tray.
NoSleepR.exe - prevents the shutdown of external harddisks (USB), command line version with creating/deleting of an autostart entry.
PosSize.exe - changes size and position of the active window, multimonitor. to use e.g. with HotkeyP for WIN + ALT + Numpad keys.
KeybLed.exe - displays the current status of keyboard lock keys in the system tray.
NetTime.exe - synchronize the PC clock with an SNTP server.
SendKey.exe - Keyboard macros, program/windows-based.
DirDate.exe - sets the date of directories.
Drives.exe - shows for each active drive (if disk inserted!) a small icon in the tray.
PInput.exe - Password entry for batch-files and programs.
SysUtil.exe - some system functions: empty trash, reboot, shutdown etc.
DelDir.exe - deletes whole directory structures (like the old DELTREE.EXE).
ToClip.exe - sends a string (command line) to the clipboard.
ToIni.exe - writes data (command line) to an INI-file.
File2Clip.exe - sends a text file to the clipboard.
FileRepl.exe - replaces strings in files (binary).
FileSort.exe - sorts all lines in a text file.
DosWin.exe - converts dBase files or text files to ASCI or ANSI.
DbfTxt.exe - converts dBase files to text files (CSV) and vice versa. (dbf2csv and csv2dbf).
Ask.exe - questions in a batch-file (console).
Sleep.exe - wait for x seconds in a batch-file (console).

You can get help on any of these by typing in .\nameof command. for example, to see the possible commands for SleepRun just type in .\SleepRun.

Peresoft Toolbox is perfect for anyone using these utilities on a regular basis. Since it's portable, you can easily take it anywhere with you.