PDF Separator 4.2

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PDF Separator is a freeware program that permits you to split a PDF file into multiple documents and page extraction and removal.

PDF Separator is a freeware program that permits you to split a PDF file into multiple documents and page extraction and removal.

PDF Separator allows you to split a PDF file into several documents easily. You can also extract selected pages from the original document or remove specified pages. PDF Separator includes an integrated PDF viewer so you can see the content of your documents. There are two ways for PDF splitting: by files or by pages. In the first option, you can separate files, which contain an equal number of pages. The second option permits you to specify a starting page for every new PDF. After splitting the PDF, the files are optimized. From there, you can then edit, modify, and secure the output PDF files. You can also add watermarks, set permissions, edit metadata. PDF Separator additionally includes the ability to crop, rotate, or delete PDF pages.

PDF Separator's simple interface allows even the most novice user the opportunity to navigate and manage their PDFs in a fast and efficient manner. It was easy to use and performed its operations smoothly during testing.

How to Create a PDF in Windows
How to Enable Two-Page View for PDF Documents in Google Chrome
How to Stop Microsoft Edge From Opening PDF and HTML Files
