PCHunter is a toolkit with access to hundreds of settings including your kernels and kernel modules, processes, network, startup and a whole lot more. It was designed to help spot and remove malware including rootkits.

PCHunter is a toolkit with access to hundreds of settings including your kernels and kernel modules, processes, network, startup and a whole lot more. It was designed to help spot and remove malware including rootkits.
It's geared more towards the geek, and the main purpose is finding and removing malware, but it can do so much more. It's not that the interface is horrible, but it can easily be confused with an all in one tweaking program, which it is not.
PCHunter Features:
Process Manager
View system process and thread basic information.
Detect hidden processes, threads, process modules.
Terminate, suspend and resume processes and threads.
View and manipulate process handles, window, and memory regions.
Kernel Module Viewer
Display kernel module information including ImageBase,Size,Driver Object,ImagePath,ServiceName and Load Order.
Detect hidden kernel modules.
Unload kernel module(dangerous).
Dump kernel image memory.
Display and delete system driver service information.
Hook Detector
View and restore SSDT, Shadow SSDT, sysenter and int2e hooks.
View and restore FSD and keyboard dispatch hooks.
View and restore kernel code hooks including inline kernel hooks, patches, usermodeIAT and EAT hooks.
View and user mode process hooks including inline hooks, patches, IAT and EAT hooks.
View and restore message hooks(both global and local).
View and restore kernel ObjectType hooks.
Display Interrupt Descriptor Table(IDT).
System Callback Viewer
Display and remove Kernel Notifications(Process/Thread/Image/Registry/Lego/Shutdown/Bugcheck/FileSystem/Logon).
Network Viewer
Display current network connections, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections.
View and delete IE plugins and context menu.
View and restore Tcpip dispatch hooks.
Display Winsock providers(SPI).
View and edit hosts file.
Filter Viewer
View and remove filters for common devices including disk, volume, keyboard and network devices.
Registry Viewer
View and edit system registry.
Detect hidden registry entries using live registry hive analysis.
File Explorer
Detect hidden files using both disk analysis and driver methods.
View and delete locked files and folders.
View file basic information including NTFS Alternate Data Streams.
Autorun Manager
Display and delete common autorun entries.
Service Manager
Display Win32 service information (for Ring0 modules, it is included in Kernel Module Viewer).
Change service status and configuration.
DPC Timer
Enumerate and delete DPC Timer objects.
View and repair common filetype assosications.
View and repair image hijacks.
