Patriot Viper LED PC4-24000 2x8GB DDR4 RAM Review

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APH Networks published a review on the Patriot Viper LED PC4-24000 2x8GB DDR4 RAM

A quote from the article:
The Patriot Viper LED PC4-24000 2x8GB's highlight could be its red LEDs or competitive price, but the real distinction is it touches the heart of the true enthusiast with its overclocking potential.

A few months ago, I was walking in downtown Banff with a moderately large group of friends. For some unknown reason, one of them started to sing The Star-Spangled Banner, and slowly but surely, many others began to join in spontaneously. I was a little bit aware that we were still in Canada, so I cautiously reminded them to avoid singing the American national anthem in public. My friends did not heed my advice; instead, they suggested that maybe other people thought we were American tourists and continued with the next line. As people on the streets started to look at us, I decided if I could not get them to stop, I might as well play along. "We are from AMERICA!" I said. "I love guns and we are the best country in the world!" All I could say is people did not look at us any less weird as a result, but my friends were all too embarrassed to continue. With all due respect for my American friends -- I love the USA -- sometimes it is still a lot of fun to play on stereotypes. And why not? Singing the Star-Spangled Banner and claiming to be a stereotypical American in Canada is a combination that is no less strange, than say, adding RGB LEDs to your mousepad or power supply. In fact, sometimes these combinations do work out. Today, we have something slightly more conservative in our lab, the Patriot Viper LED PC4-24000 2x8GB DDR4 RAM. It features only red LEDs, which comes in right between the RGB GeIL EVO X GEX416GB3200C16DC 2x8GB I reviewed back in 2016 and pretty much every other memory kit without LED lighting. Read on to see if this is the RAM to buy!

 Patriot Viper LED PC4-24000 2x8GB DDR4 RAM Review