Paranoid Fish

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Paranoid Fish is a small tool for detecting the characteristics associated with hidden malware potentially operating on your virtual machine.
Paranoid Fish is a small tool for detecting the characteristics associated with malware potentially operating on your virtual machine.It is commonly known that some 'smart' malware attempts to mask its presence when a virtual machine is detected - this tool was designed to reveal those harmful bits of malware allowing you to be better informed before taking an application from a virtual machine to your live workstation.This is a useful weapon in the fight against malware by testing out potential vulnerabilities that Paranoid Fish attempts to exploit - if Paranoid Fish is successful then various types of sneaky malware may be as well.Paranoid Fish runs through a command window and starts up right at deployment. It gives easy to understand results - a green OK is a pass and red traced! is a fail meaning that there are avenues open for malware to potentially exploit. At the completion of the detection process, a log report is compiled and saved for your review.