Oregon Scientific Weather@Home Bluetooth Thermometer Review

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Technogog posted Oregon Scientific Weather@Home Bluetooth Thermometer Review A quote from the article:
There are two types of people in this world ? those who want to know the weather before they go outside and those who walk out the door without ever checking. In my household I fall in the latter category while my wife is one of the former. The Weather@Home Bluetooth-enabled Weather Station (EMR2211) is designed to make even the least whether informed of us more enlightened. Its like having a meteorologist in your home.

Oregon Scientific is well known for their various weather related devices. With the integration of smart devices into our digital lives it was fairly obvious that they would design a product that can interact with our smart phones and tablets. Using Bluetooth technology the base station of the Oregon Scientific EMR 211 can send weather data to your iOS or Android-based device.
 Oregon Scientific Weather@Home Bluetooth Thermometer Review @ Technogog