openSUSE 11.1 has reached end of Novell support - 11.1 Evergreen goes on

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openSUSE 11.1 has reached end of Novell support
With the release of an opensc security fix on Thursday 13th January
Novell has released the last update for openSUSE 11.1.

openSUSE 11.1 is now officially discontinued and out of support by Novell.

However, a community effort has been started to continue 11.1 maintenance
under the codename of "Evergreen".

The overview page of this project, how to activate and use it, and other
details, is on:

The Evergreen project is lead by openSUSE community member Wolfgang Rosenauer.

Here are some statistics:

openSUSE 11.1 was released on December 18th 2008, making it 2 years
and 1 month of security and bugfix support.

Some statistics on the released patches (compared to 11.0):

Total updates: 707 (+63)
Security: 467 (-18)
Recommended: 236 (+79)
Optional: 4 (+ 2)

CVE Entries: 1175 (+34)

There is a 4% decrease in the number of security updates compared
to openSUSE 11.0. There is however a 2% increase in CVE numbers fixed.

Top issues (compared to 11.0 for issues down to 5):
19 MozillaFirefox (+1)
14 kernel (+5)
11 acroread (+1)
10 java-1_6_0-openjdk (+5)
9 wireshark (+1)
9 opera (-3)
9 libopenssl-devel (+4)
9 flash-player (+2)
8 seamonkey (-1)
8 MozillaThunderbird (-1)
7 java-1_6_0-sun (0)
7 clamav (+3)
7 apache2-mod_php5 (0)
6 moodle (-1)
6 libpng-devel (0)
6 samba (0)
5 postgresql
5 krb5
5 java-1_5_0-sun (-1)
5 cups (-2)

And top issues sorted by CVE (Common Vulnerability Enumeration) count
(down to 5) (compared to 11.0 for the top):
163 MozillaFirefox (+20)
115 acroread (+22)
114 java-1_6_0-sun (+12)
83 seamonkey (0)
83 kernel (+8)
83 java-1_6_0-openjdk (+33)
82 flash-player (+18)
70 MozillaThunderbird (+16)
51 java-1_5_0-sun (-12, EOLed during the lifetime)
41 mozilla-xulrunner191
38 php5 (+14)
33 wireshark (-2)
28 mozilla-xulrunner190 (-12, EOLed during the lifetime)
28 moodle (+1)
27 opera (-4)
21 xpdf (-2)
17 freetype2
15 mysql (+2)
14 openssl (+5)
14 pidgin/finch (-4)
13 libpoppler4 (+-0 to libpoppler3)
13 kdegraphics3 (+2)
12 krb5 (+4)
12 samba (+-0)
11 postgresql (+1)
11 ghostscript (+-0)
10 tomcat6 (-1)
10 MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE
10 firefox35upgrade
10 clamav (-7)
8 ruby (-9)
8 mozilla-xulrunner181 (-28, EOLed during the lifetime)
8 poppler
8 cups (-6)
7 OpenOffice_org
7 kvm (0)
7 gvim (0)
7 apache2 (-4)
6 qemu (0)
6 libpng (0)
6 glibc
5 strongswan (-2)
5 squid (0)
5 bind (-2)

# security updates by count
# grep -l type..secur updateinfo-*|sed -e 's/^updateinfo-//;s/-[0-9]*.xml$//;'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n +0 -r|less
# grep CVE- update* |perl -e '%cves=();while () { while (/(CVE-2...-....)/) { $cve{$1}++; s/CVE-2...-....//;} } print join("\n",sort keys %cve)."\n";' | wc -l
# for i in updateinfo-* ; do echo -n "$i " ; grep CVE- $i|perl -e '%cves=();while () { while (/(CVE-2...-....)/) { $cve{$1}++; s/CVE-2...-....//;} } print join("\n",sort keys %cve)."\n";' | wc -l ; done |perl -e 'while () { /^updateinfo-(\S*)-\d*.xml (\d*)$/; $cnt{$1}+=$2; } ; foreach (sort { $cnt{$b} $cnt{$a} } keys %cnt) { print "$cnt{$_}\t\t$_\n";} '