OpenShift, OpenStack, dnsmasq, pki-core, libreswan updates for RHEL

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A new Red Hat Linux update has been published. OpenShift, OpenStack, dnsmasq, pki-core, libreswan updates for RHEL

OpenShift, OpenStack, dnsmasq, pki-core, libreswan updates for RHEL

The following security updates have been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux: RHSA-2024:4057: Important: Release of OpenShift Serverless Logic 1.33.0 security update & enhancements RHSA-2024:4053: Important: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2 security update RHSA-2024:4054: Important: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2 (python-gunicorn) security update RHSA-2024:4052: Moderate: dnsmasq security update RHSA-2024:4051: Important: pki-core security update RHSA-2024:4050: Moderate: libreswan security update

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