Open Powershell Window Here as Administrator Context Menu

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Add Open Powershell Window Here as Administrator Context Menu allows you to open PowerShell as Administrator from the right-click Context Menu.

Add Open Powershell Window Here as Administrator Context Menu allows you to open PowerShell as Administrator from the right-click Context Menu.

Because this PowerShell command makes changes to the registry, you should back up your registry if you want to restore the original context menu.

Included is a text document with the required code and instructions on reverting if you change your mind. While there are many registry files available on the internet to accomplish the same thing, we found this single-step method worked better.

Many guides also forget to mention that you can click on File > Open Windows PowerShell if using File Explorer.

You can get the code instead of downloading this text file at Open Powershell Window Here as Administrator Context Menu.

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