As the launch of next-generation video cards from 'the big two' comes ever closer upon us, the rumour-mill is reaching new levels of frenzy. Almost every day a new rumour sees the light of day, only to be contradicted the next.
We don't profess to know any more than the rest of you when it comes to what these new boards will offer - However, as we've been keeping a very close eye on all the information flying around the Internet in recent weeks or months, now seems like as good a time as any to try and compile that information and attempt to make some sense of what we've heard so far. So, without further ado, let's try to assimilate what we know about the two high-end parts expected to be launched by ATi and nVidia.
To see what we've made of the story so far, click here: Elite Bastards
To see what we've made of the story so far, click here: Elite Bastards