Not My Fault

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Not My Fault can crash your computer in a number of different ways.
Not My Fault can crash your computer in a number of different ways.You can crash your computer in 8 various ways including IRQL fault, buffer overflow, stack overflow and more. You can even, for some reason, choose the crash colors.Next, you can also hang the computer with IRP, DPC or Deadlock.Last, but not least, you can memory crash it by mimicking a memory leak including the ability to determine how much is leaked per second.Now many of you are probably thinking "huh?". If so, congratulations, you're normal. It's not a tool to just play with. There is no warning system in place. As soon as you click Crash, Hang or Leak, it will immediately. The tool itself is even well hidden on the author's page to make it difficult to find.Not My Fault could be useful if you needed to create crash dumps, but beyond that it's a tool very few should need to play with.