No Time Tech Demo

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No Time is a simulation game with similarities to Back to the Future complete with a DeLorean.

No Time is a simulation game with similarities to Back to the Future complete with a DeLorean.

After you stole a time machine from a secret facility, you go on a trip thru time. Visit all possible time periods with specific jobs and quests for each of them. But watch out for the Time Police.


W, A, S, D - Movement
F - Use
I - Inventory
1-4 - Inventory Hotkeys
Q - Questlog
E - Take/Drop


W, S Speed
A, D Turn left/right
Space Brakes

G toggle hover mode
W, S Speed
A, D Turn left/right
LShift + A,D Roll
LShift Rotate Car towards your view

How to travel thru time:
Recharge your reactor in the back of the car by putting in uranium batteries (which can be found in the front luggage space of the car)
Hop into the car and activate the Time Conduction and then use the terminal to set the destination.
Then you put in the numbers of the date in this order month-day-year-hour-minute. Next, confirm with enter and have fun traveling.
