Nikon EN-EL15 Akkurückruf - derzeit nur in Australien

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Nikon ruft derzeit in Australien Akkus vom Typ EN-EL15 zurück Quelle:
It has come to our attention that some EN-EL15 rechargeable li-ion batteries for Nikon DSLR cameras and the Nikon 1 system may contain a sub-standard component. In extremely rare cases, this issue may cause the battery to overheat and the exterior casing to become deformed.

The Nikon EN-EL15 is a rechargeable lithium-ion battery that is supplied and for use with Nikon D800,D800E, and D7000* digital-SLR cameras, and the Nikon 1 V1* advanced camera with interchangeable lens.

Step 1: Identify affected EN-EL15 batteries
Locate the lot number for your EN-EL15 battery. Lot numbers are alphanumeric characters printed on the name plate on the bottom of the battery (as show in the illustration).
EN-EL15 batteries where the 9th digit is an “E” or “F” are being recalled for replacement. For example – 201XXXXXEXXXXX and 201XXXXXFXXXX.

Man kann Mal feststellen, ob man potentiell betroffen wäre und dann Mal sehen ob Nikon in Europa auch reagieren wird (müssen).