New IE6 SP1 Build Released To Testers!

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Our good friends @ have sent word on a new release of IE6 SP 1 Build 2800.1041 in english. Here's what they got to report:

Thanks Anonymous for sending me the fourth IE6 SP1 Beta announcement and release notes. SP1 will bring fixes and new features as you can see from the following notes posted below and in "read more" this is unconfirmed, feel free to confirm or otherwise.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 Beta

New Build Announcement For IE 6 SP 1 Build 2800.1041 in English The Internet Explorer Team is pleased to deliver the second beta release of Internet Explorer 6 SP 1! As always, we recommend that you uninstall any beta versions of Internet Explorer before installing Internet Explorer 6 SP1. For more info and a screenshot of the new IE6 build warp 2