NetVizor 8.0

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Network monitoring software invisibly monitors your entire network from one central location!
NetVizor is network monitoring software that invisibly monitors your entire network from one central location! Track workstations and users that may use multiple PC's on your network. Deploy NetVizor from one location and record everything users do, including screenshots, keystrokes typed, program and internet usage, emails and chats, file/document usage, and much more. Generate detailed activity reports in seconds, view your entire network in real-time, and receive instant behavior alerts when unwanted activities occur. NetVizor was built with ease of use being a primary concern. NetVizor is separated into two separate entities:The Client - The NetVizor Corporate Network Monitoring Software client does the actual "work". The client is installed on each PC on your network and from there it records all relevant PC user activities, performs content filtering duties, and remote administration handling.The Viewer - The NetVizor Corporate Network Monitoring Software viewer is the tool that helps tie all the NetVizor monitoring clients together. The viewer enumerates all workstations on your network being monitored by NetVizor - as well as roving users being tracked. All you have to do is select a user or workstation and click the "View User Activity" button to view the user's activities on your network!Features:Realtime Remote MonitoringRealtime Remote AdministrationRoving user TrackingWebsite and Application FilteringBrowse Remote PC File Systems Centralized Remote AdministrationCentralized Monitoring of Multiple Network Subnets and SegmentsCentralized Log StorageLocalized Log Storage